Base rates for services

Depending on service and project needs other fees may apply

1 pickup 2yd3*


2 pickups6yd3*


12' enclosed trailer 12yrd3*


14' dump trailer 14yd3* 


Appliance** removal

$89 (includes 1 item, add-on appliance $20 ea add'l.)

*Square yardage is approximate
** Exercise equipment and TV removal are categorized as appliances. Peloton style equipment starts at $129. Discounts available, if appliances are in your Garage. TV's may have applicable fees, see Add-On fees for more information.

Add ons:

Staircase $25 per staircase
Disassembly$25 per item disassembled or dismantled
TV recycling$40 per TV (applies to old CRT style TV and computer monitors, not flatscreen)
Labor $35-$75 per hr, TBD by project (large projects & demolition)
Trip charge

$80 (outside of service area)

Mileage$2.50 per mile (for large extended projects, outside of service area)